Spring Allergy Management: Advice From The Health Center at Hudson Yards

After months of being indoors, we are looking forward to spring—the warm weather, plants in bloom, and time spent outdoors. But with spring comes seasonal allergies, sometimes referred to as “hay fever,” which affects up to 20% of New Yorkers starting in the early spring. We spoke with the experts at The Health Center at Hudson Yards—Mount Sinai’s membership-based, concierge medical practice located at 55 Hudson Yards—to get some advice on managing spring allergies, especially in New York City. 

Hay fever, or seasonal allergic rhinitis, is mostly caused by an allergy to a type of pollen. When plants bloom in the spring, they release tiny pollen grains that fertilize other plants of the same species. Pollen from trees (the main contributor in NYC), weeds, and grass are light enough to travel by wind and cause the most problems. For many, this means the occasional sneeze, stuffy or runny nose, or irritated eyes—and worse for those with allergy-induced asthma—when pollen counts are high. So, what can you do?

Controlling Pollen in Your Home

• Keep windows closed
• Use an air purifier
• If using central air conditioning, use a certified asthma- and allergy-friendly HVAC filter or air purifier
Remove your shoes before entering your home
Take a shower and shampoo your hair before bed
Change and wash your clothes after being outdoors
Clean pollen off pets with a towel before they come inside
Wash bedding in hot, soapy water once a week
Use a nasal rinse to flush inhaled pollen out of your nose

Tips to Get Relief from Spring Allergies

Preventive Relief:

• Taking allergy medicine, like antihistamine tablets (such as Claritin, Allegra, or Zyrtec) can provide relief as soon as 1-2 hours after being taken, but they are more effective when taken regularly, before symptoms occur. If you know you usually start to experience itchy, dry eyes in early spring or you will be vacationing to a place where the pollen count is high, start to take your tablets a few days in advance.
• The use of an air purifier in your home in conjunction with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is best known to trap airborne allergens.
Wearing a mask for selective outdoor activities can help. A standard surgical mask can block particles as small as 3 micrometers. Pollen particles range from 10 to 100 micrometers in size.
Wearing sunglasses outdoors can also help protect your eyes from pollen floating in the air.

Reactive Relief:
For stuffy or runny noses, use nasal corticosteroid sprays as needed (such as Flonase or Rhinocort, which are available over the counter). For people with persistent allergies, nasal sprays work better if administered regularly, so consider using them daily during the worst weeks of your allergy symptoms.
For dry or itchy eyes, apply eye drops as needed (such as Zaditor or Pataday). If you have been itching a lot, a cooling eye mask can also offer a nice relief.

If your allergies have been acting up, you can also check the local pollen counts at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology or pollen.com and try to avoid outdoor activities on days when counts are high. Pollen is usually higher on warm, breezy days and at its highest from 5 to 10 a.m. and at dusk.

Lesser-known allergy symptoms

Some people experience severe symptoms like asthma attacks or difficulty breathing. Lesser known, but equally detrimental symptoms include headaches, eczema flare-ups, and fatigue. We’ve outlined a few key indicators, along with suggestions to keep your allergy symptoms at bay.

• Headaches
When paired with nasal symptoms, headaches are a typical seasonal allergy complaint. You may not realize that isolated headaches, without the associated sneezing and runny nose, are also prompted by airborne allergens. Be particularly alert for any frontal (forehead) headaches as they are a sign of sinus congestion, often from seasonal allergies.
Eczema flare-ups
This condition is a result of the skin’s protective layer being abnormally vulnerable to external irritants, often causing itchy, dry skin and a rash that when scratched, can become inflamed and may even spread. Hypoallergenic cleansing followed by intensive, hypoallergenic moisturizing is recommended for bolstering the skin’s protective layer and getting relief. When active, the rash may need treatment with prescription medications. We suggest discussing a skincare regimen with your dermatologist.
Fatigue can occur when poorly controlled allergies lead to inadequate sleep quality or quantity. For certain people, fatigue can be severe, leading to behavioral issues. We know that even one restless night’s sleep can make any of us irritated, but a few consecutive nights can become an issue. Addressing the environmental triggers that impede restful sleep can help alleviate this problem.

Professional care

If you start to notice new or worsening allergy symptoms, it may be time to consult a provider to discuss treatment options, medications, or lifestyle changes to help reduce your symptoms or keep them under control.

The Health Center at Hudson Yards, Mount Sinai’s premier concierge practice, is located at 55 Hudson Yards in New York City. The state-of-the-art, membership-based facility features a carefully selected team of primary and specialty care providers who create personalized care plans to meet each member’s unique health needs, all while offering an exceptional and unparalleled patient experience. Related residents receive preferred pricing on membership. Inquire about membership at healthcenterhudsonyards.com.

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